Sierra Bullets Reloading Data Manual 218 Bee

.22 Caliber (.224) 45 gr. Hornet For rifles, this bullet is formed with a thin-walled jacket and soft core in the traditional roundnose shape for cartridges such as the 22 Hornet, 22 K-Hornet, or 218 Bee at muzzle velocities in the 2600 to 2900 fps range. The thin jacket and rounded nose of these bullets provide outstanding accuracy and effective expansion on small varmints at these modest velocities.
Source for.218 Mashburn Bee Reloading Data. A 218 Mashburn Bee and uses standard 218 Bee loads from the new Hornady Reloading manual, likes the 50gr bullets.
- Hornady V-Max bullets in my Ruger #1.218 Bee. Reloading data: The Sierra and Lyman manuals (and perhaps others) used Remington.
- Then select your bullet weight, powder manufacturer and powder type. If you're unsure, or just want options, check as many boxes as you'd like. Click 'Get Data'.

This bullet is ideal for barrels with 1x16' twist rates and muzzle velocities that require a 'short' bullet for proper stability. It is also effective in rifles firing medium-capacity cartridges, such as the 222 Remington and 223 Remington, for target and varmint shooting at muzzle velocities up to 3500 fps. For handguns, this bullet with a thin jacket and lots of exposed lead are ideal for all centerfire cartridges in 22 caliber. It will range in expansion from being a varmint bullet at Hornet handgun velocities to an explosive 'Blitz' style Varminter at 223 Remington velocities. The bullets with a round nose shape are capable of outstanding accuracy, especially at short to moderate ranges. (inches) Weight (grains) Sectional Density Ballistic Coefficients and Velocity Ranges 0.224 45.128.131 @ 2800 fps and above.137 between 2800 and 2000 fps.152 @ 2000 fps and below.
Cal, I would tend to agree with you only if the OP is talking about commercial cast bullets. If he is casting his own and has slugged his barrel and is sizing his bullets correctly, then he shouldn't have any problem shooting cast bullets it the BEE. I shoot cast bullets in my Hornet and.223 and have never had a problem with leading. My mix is water dropped wheel-weights, Gator gas-checks, and my own recipe of lube. WVTreeFarmer, I will check my Lyman CB Handbook for some loads.
You can also ask the question on the Cast Boolits forum. You will get lots of help there. Anyone know where to find brass for the 218?
Kubota l4600 service manual. It's about the only cartridge I don't have a lot of brass for. I have a bunch of 32-20 that I can resize (sounds like you can just run it thru the 218 die?) but I'd prefer to have ones that have a headstamp of 218. It sounds like Winchester only makes a run once a year on the brass?
I know in mine I have to shoot flat nose because of the tubular magazine but I don't think that's an issue with the 43? I'll take a look tomorrow and see what kind of loads i've had in my 218. Anyone know where to find brass for the 218? It's about the only cartridge I don't have a lot of brass for.
Sierra Bullets

Free Sierra Bullets Reloading Data Ammunition
I have a bunch of 32-20 that I can resize (sounds like you can just run it thru the 218 die?) but I'd prefer to have ones that have a headstamp of 218. It sounds like Winchester only makes a run once a year on the brass? I know in mine I have to shoot flat nose because of the tubular magazine but I don't think that's an issue with the 43? I'll take a look tomorrow and see what kind of loads i've had in my 218.
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