Compair L132 Service Manual
Search by product number and find exactly the CompAir compressor parts you need with confidence. Or select your model number to find corresponding replacement parts. Unsure what you are looking for or can't find the part you need online? Call our knowledgeable customer service team at 866-650-1937 and they will find the aftermarket CompAir compressor spare parts you need.
• The CompAir authorised service provider will deliver a. The L55 to L132 / L55RS to L132RS models are also available as WATER COOLED versions.
Shop by CompAir Product Category The CompAir family includes many of the best-known brands in the industry, including CompAir Canada, Quantima, Gardner Denver, Hydrovane, Bottarini, BroomWade, Cyclon, Mako, Dryclon, Holman, Mattei, Kellogg, LeROI, and Reavell. Many CompAir labeled parts and filters cross-reference with multiple brands within CompAir family and can be used.

/ / Course Number: AM 132 Course Title: Advanced Automatic and Manual Drive Train Credit Hours: 4 Lecture Hours: 0 Lecture/Lab Hours: 85 Lab Hours: 0 Special Fee: $24.00 Course Description Introduces work on approved customer vehicles, including diagnosing and servicing automatic and manual drive train customer concerns. Provides a realistic experience and develops an understanding of procedures, which take place daily in an automotive repair facility. This is the capstone course building on the skills, knowledge and abilities learned through successful completion of AM 121 and AM 131. Prerequisites: CG 209.
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Audit available. Addendum to Course Description This course is designed for students that have passed AM 131 and 121. Students will develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to perform, repairs on import and domestic cars and light trucks with limited supervision. This is the skill level necessary for employment at an apprentice level.
The broader purpose of this course is to provide students, at the beginning of their first year in the automotive program, with authentic experience in basic industry skills and concepts, to ensure their success in later courses and on-the-job. These skills include tool use, fastener tightening, ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) style test taking, professionalism and responsible customer service.

The course material will be presented in a lecture/laboratory format and include videos, handouts and hands-on lab experience in the shop on cars donated by General Motors, Nissan, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota and Honda. Students are required to read assigned materials, take notes and be responsible for the information in the textbooks, lab manuals and the Mitchell ProDemand and All Data subscriptions located in each of the work areas through out the automotive labs. Intended Outcomes for the course Upon completion of the course students will be able to:. Perform manual and automatic drive train inspection, maintenance, repair and diagnosis with limited supervision. Communicate effectively with employers, customers and co-workers. Access and utilize repair information in a rapidly changing technology. Develop and implement strategies and processes to solve manual and automatic drive train repair problems.
Perform manual and automatic drive train repair to professional and ethical standards. Outcome Assessment Strategies To reach these goals, students will demonstrate the course outcomes for Drivetrain Systems III by completing the following tasks:.
Manual Car Service Manuals
Remove and reinstall transmission/transaxles. Alabama driver manual pdf. Complete lab tasks outlined in the AM 132 lab packet. Manual drivetrain and axles diagnosis and repair. Automatic drivetrain diagnosis and repair.
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Demonstrate preparedness for ASE testing by taking all AM 132 ASE style written exams.Maintaining good attendance.Following safe shop procedures.Demonstrating respect for other students and school property. Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills) Critical to the effective diagnosis and repair of any automotive system is an understanding of how and why certain components work. On today’s automobile, this is often more useful for the technician than the ability to perform a particular adjustment or replacement. A technician must also have the ability to determine which repairs are in their own best interest. To develop this background understanding of automotive manual transmission/transaxle systems, students will explore the following concepts:.Hazards of chemicals used in cleaning and lubrication of the manual transmission/transaxle assembly.The importance of shop cleanliness. Professional business and personal conduct:.Customer safety.Repeat repairs.Communication with customers.Customer satisfaction as business strategy.Teamwork in the work place.Cooperative problem solving.Work absence and attendance.
Physical laws:.Energy transfer.Heat and friction.Hydraulic theory.
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